NOTE: If you use this catalog, please reference: Hauksson, E. and W. Yang, and P.M. Shearer, "Waveform Relocated Earthquake Catalog for Southern California (1981 to 2011)"; Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., Vol. 102, No. 5, pp.2239-2244, October 2012, doi:10.1785/0120120010 The locatino methods and formats are similar to what was applied by: Lin, G., P. M. Shearer, and E. Hauksson (2007),Applying a three-dimensional velocity model, waveform cross correlation, and cluster analysis to locate southern California seismicity from 1981 to 2005, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B12309, doi:10.1029/2007JB004986. ONLY EARTHQUAKES are included in this file. Quarry blasts and other events have been removed. LOCATION FILE FORMAT DESCRIPTION The locations are in the following custom format with 146 character lines: 1981 01 01 04 13 55.710 3301565 33.25524 -115.96763 5.664 2.26 45 17 0.21 1 4 260 460 76 0.300 0.800 0.003 0.003 le ct Poly5 where 1981 = year 1 = month 1 = day 4 = hour 13 = minute 55.710 = second 3301565 = SCSN cuspid (up to 9 digits) 33.25524 = latitude -115.96763 = longitude 5.664 = depth (km) 2.26 = SCSN calculated preferred magnitude (0.0 if unassigned) 45 = number of P and S picks used for 1D SSST or 3D location (different from old format) 17 = to nearest statino in km (different from old format) 0.21 = rms residual (s) for 1D location; value of 99.0 indicates information not available 1 = local day/night flag (=0 for day, =1 for night in Calif.) 4 = location method flag (=1 for SCSN catalog or 1d hypoinverse relocation, =2 for 1D SSST, =3 for 3D, =4 for waveform cross-correlation) Superseeded by flag below 260 = similar event cluster identification number (0 if the event is not relocated with waveform cross-correlation data) 460 = number of events in similar event cluster (0 if the event is not in similar event clusters) 76 = number of differential times used to locate this event 0.300 = est. std. error (km) in absolute horz. position 0.800 = est. std. error (km) in absolute depth 0.003 = est. std. error (km) in horz. position relative to other events in cluster 0.003 = est. std. error (km) in depth relative to other events in cluster le = SCSN flag for event type (le=local, qb=quarry, re=regional) ct = for location method (ct=cross-correlation; 3d=3d velocity model; xx= not relocated, SCSN location used) Poly5= the polygon where the earthquake is located. We used 5 polygons to generate this catlog. This catalog is complete, so an attempt is made to include cluster relocated, 3D-model relocated, and not relocated earthquakes. If you only want cluster relocated events, you can 'grep ct ...' to get a list of events. VERSIONS 1.0) Preliminary version that still needs some quality checking. If you find issues with the catalog, please email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------